We have expertise in various type of bank audits like Statutory Audit, Concurrent Audit, Revenue Audit, System Audit, Stock & Credit Audit, Due Diligence, etc. Our main focus on correct classification of advances, early warning of weak accounts, revenue leakage, statutory compliance, KYC, Conduct of accounts with analysis of financial parameters of borrower, etc.
We do following process during bank audits:
- Checking of KYC documents in various deposit and loan accounts
- Checking of interest paid on various deposits and interest charged on loan accounts
- Ensuring detection of all revenue leakages in various loan accounts
- Checking of new sanction of loans with all documentation and credit compliance
- Analysis of various documents like charge creation, insurance, security valuation & legal opinion
- Check conduct of various cash credit account and analyzing financial parameters of borrowers
- Ensuring all statutory compliance like TDS, Service Tax, Govt. Business, etc.
- Analysis of various documents submitted by borrowers like stock statement, ABS, QIS, HOS, MSOD, etc.
- Ensuring timely recovery of all installments and interest on loans
- Verification of sanction of all loans within delegated powers
- Verifying diversion of funds, routing of transactions, other bank account operation by the borrowers
- Ensuring timely renewal of limits, stock audit/ credit audit report compliance, inspection of securities, etc.